Náplň práce, informácie o pracovnom mieste:
At A&O Shearman, we know that to achieve unparalleled outcomes for our clients, we must nurture an environment where our people are supported to excel, and truly feel they belong. Our precedent-setting, headline-making work wouldn’t be possible without the insight and innovation of thousands of people in Business Services, IT, HR, Finance and Marketing.We are looking for a new colleague (can be also university students who would share the job) to strengthen our team at the reception.Our receptionists provide so-called front of house administrative support; are usually the first, very important contacts when communicating with external clients, suppliers and other companies, but they closely cooperate with and support internal clients as well.So what does it mean to work as a receptionist for our company? The role is very varied, interesting and dynamic; it involves:- welcoming all our visitors and clients and directing them appropriately,- offering refreshments to the visitors and clients,- answering all enquiries in person, by phone and via email as required, in both Slovak and English,- providing or sending out required information,- communicating with external and internal clients and suppliers in both Slovak and English,- dealing with mail, couriers, taxi service providers,- communicating with notaries, translation suppliers,- ensuring maximum customer satisfaction and maintaining high standards,- maintaining safe, clean and functional reception area and meeting rooms by complying with procedures and rules,- maintaining continuity of work by documenting and communicating all details, actions, irregularities, and continuing needs,- actively contributing to team effort and team cooperation by accomplishing related results as needed, - cooperating with our other business professional teams such as Finance, HR, IT, Marketing, team of assistants, - providing any other support to clients as may be required.Usual working hours: 8:00 - 16:30 / 09:00 - 17:30 (alternating with another colleague)
Ponúkaný plat:
Od 1450.00 – do 1500.00 EUR/mesiacOther: annual salary review, paid overtimesTermín nástupu:
1 February 2025 or as agreed with the selected candidateDruh pracovného pomeru:
full-timeIné výhody:
- Friendly, challenging, motivating international working environment- Attractive remuneration and bonus scheme- Paid overtimes- Sick days and extra days holiday- Development/training plan in place incl. very interesting global/regional/local opportunities for your professional and personal growth and development- English classes- Multisport card- Financial allowance for meal- Referral bonus- Private health care services- Team offsites and events throughout the year (e.g. ski trip, goose dinner, Christmas party, etc.)- Access to free refreshment at the work place (coffee, tea, juices, fruit etc.)and more...Informácie pre uchádzača:
How to apply?
If you have a serious interest in this position and you would like to be part of our team, please send us your application together with the motivation letter and CV in both Slovak and English.
There will be one, possibly two rounds of interviews in both Slovak and English language.
We would like to thank all applicants in advance for their interest in working for our company. The process of carefully assessing all accepted resumes can be very time consuming, so we kindly ask you for your patience.
Požadované vzdelanie:Secondary with school-leaving examination Follow-up/Higher Professional Education University student University education (Bachelor's degree) University education (Master's degree)
Ďalšie požiadavky na kandidáta:
The ideal candidate should have: - a serious interest in this position, - a representative appearance (we work with an above-standard clientele and the clothes and appearance must be adapted to this), - some working experience in client service area/at the reception, - a good understanding of teamwork, - excellent communication and phone skills, - good time management, - positive and proactive attitude, - ability to work under pressure and multitask, - responsible, professional and flexible approach to work and duties, - good knowledge and practical experience with MS Office applications, and - fluency in English (spoken and written), other foreign languages are a bonus but not essential.
We are looking for a team player and a quick learner who will be willing to take on new tasks, challenges and learning opportunities.
Allen Overy Shearman Sterling s.r.o.x
Stručná charakteristika spoločnosti:
V máji 2024 sa Allen & Overy a Shearman & Sterling spojili a vytvorili A&O Shearman: transformačnú globálnu právnickú firmu vybudovanú tak, aby dosahovala bezkonkurenčné výsledky pre popredné svetové spoločnosti. Zaoberáme sa lokálnymi, ale aj najkomplexnejšími multijurisdikčnými transakciami našich klientov – nech sú kdekoľvek na svete. Celkovo má A&O Shearman približne 4.000 právnikov v 48 pobočkách v 29 krajinách a patrí medzi najväčšie a najprestížnejšie advokátske kancelárie vo svete.
A&O Shearman kancelária v Bratislave (pôvodne Allen & Overy Bratislava) sa od jej vzniku v roku 1999 stala lídrom na slovenskom trhu a to vďaka svojej dobrej povesti budovanej na kvalite a oddanosti. Naša kancelária nie je len centrom právnej odbornosti, ale tiež vyhľadávanou praxou. Sme známi medzinárodnou odbornosťou a podrobnými znalosťami miestneho právneho a obchodného prostredia. Ceníme si stabilné vzťahy s našimi klientmi. Nezastupujeme len našich klientov; sme zároveň ich partnermi pri navigácii v komplexite ich podnikateľských ašpirácií, poskytujeme právne riešenia, ktoré sú rovnako ambiciózne ako ich ciele.
Pravidelne sa umiestňujeme na najvyšších miesta v rebríčkoch hodnotenia kvality poskytovaných služieb, ale aj vo veľkosti a hodnoty transakcií. Sme hrdí, že pracujeme na tých najväčších a najkomplikovanejších transakciách na Slovensku ale aj v európskom regióne.
Vo všetkom, čo robíme, máme jeden od druhého vysoké očakávania. Vieme, že na to, aby sme vynikli, musíme vytvárať prostredie, v ktorom majú naši ľudia skutočnú podporu a cítia, že sem patria. Poskytujeme priestor pre výnimočný profesionálny a osobný rozvoj, školenia, mentoring a praktickú podporu. S nami sa neustále vzdelávate a rastiete. Bez ohľadu na to, čo vás charakterizuje, sme otvorení tomu, aby ste do práce vniesli celé svoje ja. Kariéra u nás poskytuje platformu na otváranie dverí a prináša príležitosti, ktoré nikde inde nenájdete.
Čo teda skutočne definuje kariéru v A&O Shearman? Prijímame tých najlepších a vyžadujeme to najlepšie z vás. Poskytujeme výzvu, podporu a miesto, kam patríte. A spolu vynikáme.
Viac sa o nás môžete dozvedieť na www.aoshearman.com alebo na našom Instagrame, Facebooku či LinkedIne.