AM/Keycloak Consultant

Inalogy, a.s.
Dlhodobá brigáda
Po 23.12.2024 0:00

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Náplň práce, informácie o pracovnom mieste: We are seeking an experienced Technical Consultant to specialize in Access Management (AM) solutions. This role is essential for advising and assisting our clients in the implementation and optimization AM services. The ideal candidate should have a strong technical background, excellent client interaction skills, and a commitment to delivering exceptional technology consulting services. Ponúkaný plat: Od 2000.00 – Annual bonusesDruh pracovného pomeru: full-timeIné výhody: Great team of smart people, in a friendly and open culture
Fast professional growing thanks to strong team
No waste of time in enterprise processes, real responsibilities and autonomy
Expand your knowledge of various business industries
Real responsibilities and challenges in a fast evolving company
We highly consider your life-work balance
5 extra days of vacation
Attractive salary dependent on personal growth
Premium work equipment
Offices in good location with easy parking
Požadované vzdelanie:Follow-up/Higher Professional Education
University student
University education (Bachelor's degree)
University education (Master's degree)
Postgraduate (Doctorate)
Ďalšie požiadavky na kandidáta:

Bachelor’s or higher degree in computer science, Information Technology, or a related field.
Minimum of 2 years of experience in technical field.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Strong communication skills and fluency in English, both written and verbal.
Experience with JAVA programming language.
Experience with LINUX Environments.
Experience with Databases (PostgreSQL).

Experience with solutions based on CNCF Keycloak.
Experience with Directories (LDAP, AD)
Experience with SAML, OIDC, KERBEROS.
Experience with Azure AD, MS365.
Experience with Configuration of 2FA Authentication (OTP, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator).
Experience with Quarkus JAVA Framework
Experience with Python Scripting
Familiarity with Agile methodologies.
Familiarity with Containers and Kubernetes.
Familiarity with RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) or other Access Control Methodologies.
Security software or internal IT audit experience.
Certifications in IAM technologies or related fields.

Inalogy, a.s.x

Stručná charakteristika spoločnosti: Spoločnosť Inalogy sa špecializuje na návrh a realizáciu Identity manažment systémov postavených primárne na open-source produktoch. Uvedomujeme si vysokú špecificitu nášho biznisu a preto máme pre nových zamestnancov pripravený learning program, po ktorom sa budú schopní aktívne podieľať na projektoch a rásť v oblasti počítačovej bezpečnosti.
Kontakt: Inalogy, a.s.

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Bratislava - Staré Mesto
5,1 € / hod.

Pokladník, pokladníčka v obchodnom reťazci

Bratislava - Staré Mesto
5,1 € / hod.
Ďalšie brigády Bratislava (916)
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