Náplň práce, informácie o pracovnom mieste:
Join the most active VC in Czechoslovakia. Our team has in the past 2 years invested in over 25 startups, launched our own incubation program, and connected early-stage entrepreneurs with unicorn founders who have transitioned into investors/mentors. In this role, you will immerse yourself in the latest tech trends and engage with inspiring startup founders and investors. Your responsibilities will include searching for, analyzing, negotiating, and presenting investment opportunities within the startup ecosystem.
Termín nástupu:
Druh pracovného pomeru:
Iné výhody:
Professional & Personal Development: With a flat organizational structure, you will have the opportunity to work directly with managing partners. Attend startup events across Europe, familiarize yourself with the European startup landscape, and build your professional network. Learn to evaluate the quality of various investment opportunities, practice efficient research techniques, and discern valuable insights from the noise. Benefit from communication with seasoned venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. Last, but not least, participate in our Employee Stock Ownership Plan. (Yes, we share the profit from exits with the team)
Informácie pre uchádzača:
Selected candidates will be invited to a video / personal interview with Czech Founders VC managing partner.
Czech Founders Ventures s.r.o.x
Stručná charakteristika spoločnosti:
Sme team 6 ľudí, ktorým sa podarilo rozbehnúť investičné zoskupenie 55+ zakladateľov softwareových megafiriem z Čiech a Slovenska. Voláme sa Czech Founders VC, no nenechaj sa popliesť, sme aj na Slovensku. Ako Kofola. Chceme preinvestovať 10M,- Eur do 30-40 projektov na úplnom začiatku svojej cesty. Do projektov inšpiratívnych zakladateľov s globálnymi ambíciami. Chceme ich prepájať s našimi investormi, medzi ktorých patria zakladatelia firiem ako productboard, mall.cz, Mews, Wood & Co., Livesport, GoBigname, vacuumlabs, CDN77, autori hry Mafia, .... Pomáhame tiež budovať a spájať komunitu 850+ zakladateľov technologických firiem z Čiech a Slovenska prostrednictvom sesterskej platformy czechfounders.org
Czech Founders Ventures s.r.o.