Náplň práce, informácie o pracovnom mieste:
You will be part of our development team working on cloud solutions Salesforce.com for various clients with focus on business areas of Sales, Service, Marketing, Integrations , etc. You will develop both frontend Visual Force/Lightning Components and backend in Apex programming language (similar to Java). You could have the opportunity to help clients develop applications with a cloud-first, digital- first mindset, generate the next wave of innovative technology and provide end-to-end service and project delivery.WHAT WILL YOU DOResponsible for designing, implementing, testing and deploying complex custom-built solutions on the Salesforce platform.Development of Salesforce applications in APEX programming languageDevelopment of Visual Force/Lightning ComponentsFront-end development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX and other web technologies.
Ponúkaný plat:
Od 3500.00 – Pay starting from 3500,- € brutto/ month depending on your professional and personal qualifications in the required areas + variable bonusTermín nástupu:
ASAPDruh pracovného pomeru:
full-timeIné výhody:
• Annual performance bonus payment
• Guaranteed Paid overtime or overtime vacation
• Transparent bonus structure
• Refer-a-Friend – get a bonus in the employee referral program
• Loyalty bonus
• Flexible working arrangements (Flex-work, Home Office)
• Option to participate on projects abroad
Požadované vzdelanie:Secondary with school-leaving examination Follow-up/Higher Professional Education University education (Bachelor's degree) University education (Master's degree)
Ďalšie požiadavky na kandidáta:
General Expectations of the Developer
IT related education / IT Background
Potential for client facing role, collaborating at a client site
Willingness to learn the latest market demanded technologies and products within SalesForce platform
Configuration and development of business solutions based on the Force.com platform
Test, documentation and deployment, support and maintenance
Independent and active communication with customers, business analysts of other teams providing services in order to deliver defined requirements and tasks and implement application support.the application issues.
Fluent English
Certifications and training for Salesforce consultants are not required , but are welcome.
Specific expectations from an Experienced Developer
Advanced Salesforce development experience, with a strong focus on Apex and VisualForce or Lightning Component development
Advanced programming skills in Java/C#/.NET or related object oriented language
Advanced knowledge of HTML,PHP, Javascript and CSS
Experience with Eclipse, jQuery or other JavaScript frameworks is a plus, Web Services (SOAP, REST, HTTP), Git, Release management
Advanced knowledge of some relational database (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MySQL, etc.)
Required experience: 2+ years
Parallaxis, s.r.o.x
Stručná charakteristika spoločnosti:
Parallaxis je poskytovateľom služieb súvisiacich s platformou Salesforce.com. Ako registrovaný partner Salesforce na Slovensku podporujeme klientov Salesforce.com s poskytovaním flexibilných služieb a riešení na paltforme Salesforce.com v zmysle špecifických požiadaviek klienta s následným vytvorením efektívnych riešení s vysokou obchodnou pridanou hodnotou pre klienta.
Ponúkame konzultačné a vývojové služby pre úspešnú implementáciu a implementáciu ekosystému Salesforce, ktorý pomáha zákazníkom rozvíjať svoje obchodné aktivity pomocou moderného a efektívneho riešenia Salesforce.